Projets internationaux

Laboratory for Innovative Key Materials and Structures-LINK

The Laboratory for Innovative Key Materials and Structures-LINK (UMI 3629), located in NIMS, is a CNRS international Research Laboratory created on January 1st 2014, for 5 years, in agreement between Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), National institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and Saint-Gobain (SG).
The main missions of LINK consist of 4:
– Setting up joint basic research projects with researchers of multicultural background,
– Reinforcing relationship between French-Japanese academic and industrial communities,
– Ensuring education and support career development for young researchers,
– Create a path for basic science to social benefit through industrialization.
LINK should act as “catalyst” and our ability to build a sustainable project and work together across borders and cultures should be considered as equally important as pure academic outputs.

Porteur : O. Perez
Date de début : 01/10/18
Date de fin : 31/08/22